Koga: Theme Documentation

By: 3Forty Media | Follow me on Themeforest


Thankyou for purchasing Koga.

This document will help you get your theme installed and setup with further guides to help you get the most out of your theme. If you do have questions please leave a comment or send me a message through my profile page.

If you like Koga, please take a moment to rate or leave a comment or review, it really helps. Thanks so much!


Download your theme

Download the zipped package from your ThemeForest Downloads to your computer. Extract the downloaded file and you will see Koga.zip, this is your theme archive.

Install theme

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin and go to: AppearanceThemes.
  2. At the top of the screen click Add New and then click Upload Theme.
  3. Select Koga.zip archive file and click Install Now.
  4. Once installation is complete click Activate.

Install Child Theme *Optional

If you wish to add your own custom modifications I recommend installing the Koga child theme and adding your modifications. This will ensure you will not lose your changes when you update Koga theme.

You will need to install the parent theme first (above)

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin and go to: AppearanceThemes.
  2. At the top of the screen click Add New and then click Upload Theme.
  3. Select Koga-child.zip archive file and click Install Now.
  4. Once installation is complete click Activate.


Plugins are not required but are recommended to get the most out of your theme.

Some theme demo's will not work properly without the required plugins

To install plugins

  1. AppearancePlugins.
  2. Check each plugin you want to install and select Install from the drop down menu.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Once installed go to PluginsInstalled Plugins and activate each plugin.

Recommended plugins

Koga Theme Plugin

A collection of additional features, theme options, post displays and add-ons for your theme.

MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress

Mailchimp for WordPress, the #1 unofficial Mailchimp plugin.

Plugin site →

Breadcrumb NavXT

Breadcrumb NavXT, the successor to the popular WordPress plugin Breadcrumb Navigation XT, was written from the ground up to be better than its ancesto...

Plugin site →

If you are using Yoast SEO plugin you can enable breadcrumbs in Yoast settings instead

Post Views Counter

Post Views Counter allows you to display how many times a post, page or custom post type had been viewed with this simple, fast and easy to use plugin.

Plugin site →

Demo Importtop

Koga includes many pre-built demos and optional demo content to help get you started. To install a demo

  1. Install & Activate One Click Demo Import
  2. Go to AppearanceImport Demo Data.
  3. Select a demo and click Import Demo
  4. Confirm by clicking Continue & Import

Note* If you have existing content you should click Switch to Manual Import to import just the settings. The required Widgets WIE file and Customizer DAT file are included in your full theme download

Install different demos

If you want to try different demos, you will need to reset your Customizer settings before installing a new demo.

  1. Install Customizer Reset
  2. Go to AppearanceCustomizeReset.
  3. You can now install a different demo *You may still need to manually remove some of the widgets

Due to licensing restrictions featured images used in the demos are not included. Placeholder images are included in demo data.

How to update your themetop

Important* Backup your database and backup any theme file modifcations you have made before updating your theme. You will need to add your file changes again after updating your theme.

Envato Market Plugin

You will need to download Envato Market Plugin to use this method

Install Envato Market Plugin

  1. AppearancePluginsAdd New
  2. Click Upload
  3. Locate and select the Envato Market plugin and click Install
  4. Once installed click Activate Plugin

Configure your Envato API

  1. Click the link in the Activate Envato API Connection
  2. Sign in to your Envato Account if you are not already
  3. Enter a Token Name
  4. Check the following options:
    • View and search Envato sites
    • Download the user's purchased items
    • List purchases the user has made
    • Terms and Conditions agreement
  5. Click Create Token button
  6. Copy the token
  7. Paste the token into into your Envato Market Dashboard token field and Click Save

Whenever a theme update is available you will see an Update Available notice.

Manual update

Manually update your theme

Koga has several menu locations. The method for creating each menu is the same, simply select a different display location for each menu.

To create a new menu

  1. Go to AppearanceMenus.
  2. Click Create a new menu.
  3. Enter a name for your menu (E.g. Primary Menu) and click Create Menu.
  4. In the Add Menu Items panel add categories, posts, pages & custom menu items. Click Add to Menu and arrange as required
  5. Select a display location (E.g. Primary Menu)
  6. Click Save Menu

Menu locations

Primary Menu

The primary menu is located in the three site header layouts. The primary menu supports multiple levels

  • Default
  • Logo Below Nav
  • Logo Left Menu

You can also set your primary menu to Toggle Sidebar to add a mobile menu on small devices.

Toggle Sidebar Primary Menu

Located in the slide out sidebar and supports unlimited levels

Footer Menu

The footer menu is located in w/Menu footer layouts

Split Menu

Split Menu is located in the header layout: Logo Split Menu and consists of two menu locations; Split Menu Left & Split Menu Right

Header Secondary

The secondary menu is located in the left or right side of all header layouts. This menu is useful for subscribe or call to action buttons or the Koga multi level social menu

Multi column & Mega Menutop

When you create a parent → child menu item (or sub menu) you can set the sub menu to a display in columns or a full width megamenu style drop down

  1. Go to AppearanceMenus.
  2. Click Screen Options tab at the top of the page.
  3. Check CSS Classes checkbox.

Create the parent menu item

  1. Expand the parent menu item and add one of tfm-cols-2 or tfm-cols-3 or tfm-cols-4 or tfm-cols-5 or tfm-megamenu in the CSS Classes field
  2. Additionally to add category color styling to sub-menu category items add tfm-categories to the parent menu item CSS Classes field
  3. Click Save Menu

Social Menutop

The social menu is a drop down menu that displays social media icons and text within menu items.

You can add the social menu to any multi-level menu (E.g. Primary Menu) or assign to a display location such as the Third Menu.

  1. Go to AppearanceMenus.
  2. Click Screen Options tab at the top of the page.
  3. Check CSS Classes checkbox.

Create the parent menu item

If you are adding menu items to an existing parent menu (E.g. Primary Menu) you can skip this step. You will still need to add tfm-social-menu to the parent menu item.

  1. Click Custom Links in the Add menu items panel
  2. Add a Hashtag to the URL field and text to the Link Text field
  3. Click Add to Menu
  4. Expand the menu item and enter tfm-social-menu in the CSS Classes field
  5. Remove the hashtag from the URL field

Add the sub menu items

  1. Click Custom Links in the Add menu items panel
  2. Add the full URL for your social media page in the URL field and text in the Link Text field
  3. Click Add to Menu
  4. Arrange this item as a sub-menu item
  5. Expand the menu item and enter the relevant CSS class in the CSS Classes field. E.g. tfm-twitter to show the Twitter social icon
  6. Repeat for every social media site you want to add (supported icon list below)

Set Location & Save the menu

  1. Choose a display location in the Menu Settings panel
  2. Click Save Menu

Supported icons & CSS classes

Call to action/Subscribe Buttontop

  1. Go to AppearanceMenus.
  2. Click Screen Options tab at the top of the page.
  3. Check CSS Classes checkbox.
  4. Create your call to action/subscribe menu item.
  5. Expand the menu item and enter tfm-cta in the CSS Classes field
  6. To add a subscribe icon add tfm-cta tfm-subscribe in the CSS Classes field
  7. To add a patreon icon add tfm-cta tfm-patreon or tfm-patreon-alt in the CSS Classes field

A call to action button can be added to any item in any menu or a single menu item assigned to a separate display location (E.g. Header Secondary).

Menu Description adds additional text to menu items. If you have category descriptions the descriptions will appear in category menu items unless you remove them

  1. Go to AppearanceMenus.
  2. Click Screen Options tab at the top of the page.
  3. Check Description checkbox.
  4. Create/edit your menu item
  5. Expand the menu item and add/remove your text in the Description field
  6. Save your menu


Koga supports classic widgets & block widgets. Since WordPress 5.8.0 there are three methods of adding widgets.

Add a widget

  1. Go to AppearanceWidgets
  2. Select a sidebar
  3. Click the Plus button at the top of the page or inside the sidebar
  4. Search or Browse and select a widget
  5. Configure the widget and click Update

Add a widget with preview (customizer method)

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeWidgets
  2. Select a sidebar (dependng on the page your are on not all sidebars will be visible)
  3. Click the Plus button at the top or bottom of the customizer panel
  4. Search or Browse and select a widget
  5. Configure the widget and click Publish

Add a widget (classic method)

Since WordPress 5.8.0 you will need to install the Classic Widgets plugin to use this method

  1. Go to AppearanceWidgets
  2. Drag the widget to the appropriate sidebar
  3. Configure the widget and click Save

Configure widget colours in Colour Settings.

Custom Widgets

You need to install Koga Theme Plugin to use these widgets.

Koga Posts Widget

  1. Add Koga Posts Widget to your sidebar by your chosen method
  2. Configure the widget and click Save/Publish

Koga Social Widget

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Social Media Settings
  2. Enter the full URL's of your social media channels
  3. Click Publish
  4. Add the Koga Social Media widget to your sidebar by your chosen method
  5. Configure the widget and click Save/Publish

Add Widgets Between Poststop

The category page and homepage have a sidebar between blog list posts. These work like any other sidebar and support all widgets.

Homepage Widgets

  1. Add your widget to Home: Between Blog Posts sidebar by your chosen method
  2. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsHomepage Settings
  3. Scroll down to Add widgets between posts
  4. Enter the position you would like to display your sidebar (E.g. 3 to set your sidebar as the third item in the blog list)
  5. Click Publish

Category Widgets

  1. Add your widget to Category: Between Blog Posts sidebar by your chosen method
  2. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsArchive/Category Settings
  3. Scroll down to Add widgets between posts in Category Pages
  4. Enter the position you would like to display your sidebar (E.g. 3 to set your sidebar as the third item in the blog list)
  5. Click Publish

Install Widget Context or Jetpack plugin and enable Widget Visibility to hide/show different widgets for different categories, posts and pages.

Go To Plugins → Add New. Search for Jetpack or Widget Context. Download & activate the plugin.

Style blocks as widgetstop

WordPress has replaced most widgets with a blocks. In order to style block and headings as widgets we need to use the group block.

  1. Go to AppearanceWidgets
  2. Select a sidebar
  3. Click the Plus button at the top of the page or inside the sidebar
  4. Search or Browse and select the Group block
  5. Select Group layout option (left icon)
  6. Click Add block inside the group block and select the Heading block
  7. Choose Heading 3
  8. Add your widget title, select the text and add Bold styling
  9. In the block settings panel click Advanced and add widget-title to the Additional CSS Field
  10. Click Add block inside the group block and select the block you want
  11. Configure the block and click Update

MailChimp Form Markuptop

You can add any form markup you need in the MailChimp form. This is the markup used in the demos. Copy and Paste to: MC4WPForm

<div class="tfm-form-fields-wrap"> <input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" required=""> <button>subscribe</button> </div>

Theme Settingstop

All theme settings are managed with Live preview within the WordPress customizer separated into easy to manage sections and tabs.

Homepage Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsHomepage Settings

Archive/Category Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsArchive/Category Settings

These settings apply to all category, archive, author, tag and search archives

Single Post Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsSingle Post Settings

You can override these global settings or set your options on a per post basis at the bottom of the New/Edit Post Settings Panel in the Koga: Post Options section

Koga Post Options

Koga post options allow you to override global theme settings on a per-post basis.

Single Post Style

Override the global post style setting

Single Sidebar

Override the global sidebar setting

Thumbnail Aspect Ratio

Override the global thumbnail aspect ratio setting

Disable Single Featured Image

Disable the featured image in single post view.

Display share icons

Display author bio social icons

Display related posts

Page Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsPage Settings

You can override page sidebar settings or set your sidebar on a per page basis at the bottom of the New/Edit Page Settings Panel in the Koga: Page Options section

Display share icons

Header Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsHeader Settings

Display social icons in the header

Footer Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsFooter Settings

Display social icons in the footer

Display MailChimp Signup form before footer

You will need to install Koga Theme Plugin & Mailchimp for WordPress plugins to use this feature

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsFooter Settings
  2. Check: Display MailChimp Form in Footer Area
  3. If you have multiple forms enter the Form ID of the form you want to display
  4. Add your form title
  5. Choose location
  6. Click Publish

Logo Settings

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Theme SettingsLogo/Site Title Settings

Colour Settingstop

Color settings are managed with Live preview within the WordPress customizer separated into easy to manage sections and tabs.

Choose light/dark theme

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Color SettingsColor Mode

Set light theme colors

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Color SettingsLight theme

Set dark theme colors

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Color SettingsDark theme

Set category tag colours

AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Color SettingsCategory Tags

Card Colours

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Color SettingsCategory Tags
  2. Set your category tag colours
  3. Scroll to the bottom and check Apply slug color settings to card style posts
  4. Click Publish

Category tag colours will be applied to all posts and you will have the option of applying them to Koga: Post Blocks & Koga: Related Posts

You can also set individual colours for each post in Koga Single Post Options which you will find in the post edit panel

Homepage Post Blockstop

You will need to install Koga: Theme Plugin plugin to use this feature.

Using Post Blocks you can configure "blocks" of posts that are displayed on the homepage. Post blocks can replace the standard blog page or you can set a separate page for blog posts and use Post Blocks for the homepage (front page).

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Homepage Post Blocks
  2. Select a Block (E.g. Block 1)
  3. Check: Enable Block
  4. Configure the block settings & colours
  5. To add a sidebar to your block, check: Display Sidebar and select a position.
  6. Click Publish
  7. Repeat for each block you want to add

Display Widgets in Post Blocks

  1. Add your widgets to Koga: Hompage Post Block X sidebar by your chosen method
  2. Click Publish
  3. Repeat for each block/sidebar you want to add widgets

Display Adverts in Post Blocks

  1. Add your advert code to the Ad Code or HTML field at the bottom of the panel
  2. Choose top or bottom position
  3. Click Publish

Create a separate blog list page

  1. Go to PagesAdd New
  2. Create a page for Post blocks (this will be your Homepage)
  3. Create a page for Blog posts (this will be your Posts Page)
  4. Go to SettingsReading
  5. Set Your homepage displays to A static page
  6. Select the Post blocks page you created from the Homepage selection.
  7. Select the Blog posts page you created from the Posts page selection.
  8. Click Save Changes

You may want to add a link to your blog posts page in your menus

Related Poststop

You will need to install Koga Theme Plugin plugin to use this feature
  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Related Posts
  2. Check Display Related Posts
  3. Configure related post settings & colours and click Publish

Social Media Settingstop

You will need to install Koga Theme Plugin plugin to use these features

Display share icons in posts & pages

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga Social Media Settings
  2. Check each share icon you want to display in Post & Page Share Icons
  3. Choose an Icon Style and Colour Scheme
  4. Check: Share Posts/Pages
  5. Choose a display location
  6. Click Publish

Display author bio social icons

  1. Go to UsersProfile
  2. Enter the full URL's of your social media channels and click Save
  3. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga Social Media Settings
  4. Scroll down to Author Bio Social Icons and check Show Icons in Single Author Bio
  5. Choose an Icon Style and Colour Scheme
  6. Click Publish

Display social icons in the header & footer

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeTFM Social Media Settings
  2. Enter the full URL's of your social media channels
  3. Choose an Icon Style and Colour Scheme
  4. Check: Show Social Icons in Site Header/Footer
  5. Click Publish

Social Media Widget

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Social Media Settings
  2. Enter the full URL's of your social media channels
  3. Click Publish
  4. Add the TFM Social Media widget to your sidebar by your chosen method
  5. Configure the widget and click Save/Publish

Advertising Areastop

You can add your own banners, Google AdSense code or any other banner code to any sidebar using the HTML widget or image widget.

Add Google AdSense (or any other banner code)

  1. Add the HTML widget to your sidebar by your chosen method
  2. Enter your Advert Code (for example Google AdSense)
  3. Click Publish

Add a banner image and link

  1. Add the Image widget to your sidebar by your chosen method
  2. Enter your Advert Code (for example Google AdSense)
  3. Click Publish

Koga: Dedicated Advertising Areas

You will need to install Koga Theme Plugin plugin to use this feature

Upload your own banner and link

  1. Go to AppearanceCustomizeKoga: Advertising
  2. Select an Advertising Location
  3. Add you advert code or Upload a standard resolution and/or high resolution banner
  4. Enter the desination URL
  5. Click Publish

Theme Translationtop

Loco Translate

Translate WordPress plugins and themes directly in your browser

Plugin site →

Install Loco Translate Plugin

  1. Go To PluginsAdd New. and search for Loco Translate
  2. Download & Activate the plugin
  3. Loco Translate is now added to the admin panel

Create a New Theme Translation

  1. Go to Loco TranslateThemes.
  2. Click Koga.
  3. Click New Language.
  4. Choose a language from the drop down menu and click Start Translating.
  5. In the source text field select the text you want to translate.
  6. In the translation field type your translation for the selected text.
  7. Click Save.

Change your site language to see the new translation

Create a New Plugin Translation

  1. Go to Loco TranslatePlugins.
  2. Click the plugin you want to translate.
  3. Continue from step 3 above.

To change text strings but not the language select the same language that is set in Settings → General → Site Language

Optimization (Page Speed/SEO)top

The best thing you can do for your website speed is to host your website on a good VPS/Dedicated server or a good hosting package. You can also improve your site speed with one of the many cache or optimization plugins.

Recommended plugins

WP Super Cache

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.

Plugin site →


Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.

Plugin site →


OMGF | GDPR/DSGVO Compliant, Faster Google Fonts. Easy.

Plugin site →

Install Autoptimize Plugin

  1. Go To PluginsAdd New. and search for Autoptimize
  2. Download & Activate the plugin
  3. Autoptimize is now added to the settings panel

Configure Autoptimize settings

SettingsAutoptimize Or click the Autoptimize icon at the top of the page


  1. Check Optimize JavaScript Code
  2. Check Aggregate JS-files
  3. Check Optimize CSS Code
  4. Check Aggregate CSS-files
  5. Check Also Aggregate inline CSS
  6. Check Inline all CSS
  7. Check Optimize HTML Code
  8. Check Save aggregated script/css as static files
  9. Check Minify excluded CSS and JS files
  10. Check Also optimize for logged in users

Check/Remove any other settings as required.


Google Fonts

  1. Check Leave as is

Check/Remove any other settings as required and click Save

Install OMGF Plugin

  1. Go To PluginsAdd New. and search for OMGF
  2. Download & Activate the plugin
  3. Optimize Google Fonts is now added to the settings panel

Configure OMGF

SettingsOptimize Google Fonts

  1. Check Auto-Configure Subsets
  2. Click Save & Optimize

Install WP Super Cache

  1. Go To PluginsAdd New. and search for WP Super Cache
  2. Download & Activate the plugin
  3. WP Super Cache is now added to the settings panel

Configure WP Super Cache

SettingsWP Super Cache

  1. Check Caching On
  2. Click Update Status

The Advanced tab allows you to configure cache timeout and other settings as required.

Optimize Images

I recommend using next gen image formats such as WebP. You can also reduce the quality of stored images to reduce file size and improve page speed. Koga uses native WordPress image sizes for all displays with optional custom sizes when available.

You will need to install and activate TFM Theme Boost plugin to use this feature

Install Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin

Regenerate Thumbnails

Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

Plugin site →

  1. Go To PluginsAdd New and search for Regenerate Thumbnails
  2. Download & Activate the plugin
  3. Regenerate Thumbnails is now added to the Tools menu

Regenerate images

  1. Go To AppearanceCustomizeTFM Theme Boost.
  2. Change Image Quality to 65* and click Publish
  3. Go to ToolsRegenerate Thumbnails
  4. Un-check Skip regenerating existing correctly sized thumbnails (faster).
  5. Click Regenerate Thumbnails for All x Attachments

* You can try different image quality settings until you are happy with the result.

Post Formatstop

You can set post formats in the New/Edit Post settings panel → Post Format

Standard Format

Select this format for standard posts, you can emebed media, galleries, images and video as normal.

Gallery Format

This format adds a gallery icon to posts (if post format icons are enabled). Gallery format functions like a standard post format.

Video/Audio Format

This format adds a video/audio icon to posts (if post format icons are enabled).

Add video/audio to the featured area in single posts

  1. Go to Posts → Add New or edit an existing post
  2. Embed the video/audio you want to feature as the first element in your content
  3. Add any other post content as normal
  4. In the Settings Panel select Video/Audio Post Format
  5. In the Settings Panel under Koga: Post Options check Disable Single Featured Image
  6. Click Publish

Note* If your post does not have a featured image you can ignore these steps and just select video format.

Image Format

Image format has a cover style in archive and blog list displays.

Image format has the same style as "cover" style. The difference is that selecting "cover" style for blog list displays sets all posts to cover style.

Theme Hookstop

Hooks allow you to further extend theme functionality by adding your own functions, sidebars, banners or plugin output. This is advanced functionality for theme developers.

Example use of a Hook

This function will output "lorem ipsum dior" after the theme header.

function my_custom_function( ) {
  echo '<h2>' . esc_html__( 'lorem ipsum dior', 'Koga' ) . '</h2>';
add_action('tfm_after_header', 'my_custom_function', 10 );

Available hooks

  • tfm_before_header
  • tfm_after_header
  • tfm_header_left
  • tfm_header_right
  • tfm_after_content
  • tfm_before_single_content
  • tfm_author_bio_bottom
  • tfm_before_wrapper_close
  • tfm_after_entry_wrapper
  • tfm_before_post_pagination
  • tfm_page_footer
  • tfm_before_footer
  • tfm_after_footer
  • tfm_append_footer_bottom
  • tfm_before_loop
  • tfm_after_loop
  • tfm_before_comments
  • tfm_after_comments
  • tfm_before_entry_title
  • tfm_after_entry_title
  • tfm_after_wrap
  • tfm_prepend_after_title_meta
  • tfm_append_after_title_meta
  • tfm_hentry_footer_before
  • tfm_hentry_footer_after
  • tfm_after_continue_reading_button

How to change fontstop

I recommend Fonts Plugin or Easy Google Fonts

Sources and Creditstop

I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.


February 07, 2025 - Version 1.0.7

  • Added: Mastodon social icon (TFM: Theme Boost)
  • Fixed iOS jquery click events

December 10, 2024 - Version 1.0.6

  • Fixed: Post block category link not linking to selected category
  • Fixed: Missing theme hooks

November 22, 2024 - Version 1.0.5

  • Added: Bluesky share icon (TFM: Theme Boost)
  • Added: New share icon locations (TFM: Theme Boost)
  • New language files (TFM: Theme Boost)

November 02, 2024 - Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed: Toggle menu not displaying on large mobile
  • Fixed: Excerpt can now be toggled off on mobile
  • Added: Support for post thumbnail plugins that use picture tag
  • Added: BlueSky social icon (TFM: Theme Boost)
  • Added: Additional color settings
  • Minor CSS updates
  • New language files

October 27, 2024 - Version 1.0.3

  • Added new demo imports
  • Added new post block layouts (Koga Theme Boost plugin)
  • Minor CSS updates (Koga Theme Boost plugin)
  • New language files

October 14, 2024 - Version 1.0.2

  • Added new demo imports
  • Added new featured posts layouts (Koga Theme Boost plugin)

October 12, 2024 - Version 1.0.1

  • New demo import

October 09, 2024 - Version 1.0

  • Initial Release

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